Any create, update, or delete operation of policy is thus maintained in the session unless they are applied by the Apply Changes action. 这样有关策略的创建、更新或者删除操作,将会继续保存在会话中,除非他们被应用到ApplyChanges行为。
Ideally, these too are configured through operation specific policy in a registry. 在理想情况下,也可以在一个注册表中通过特定于操作的策略配置它们。
The order operation followed by portType is important, because it makes processing easier in the second scenario, an operation level mediation policy flow. portType所执行的操作的顺序非常重要,因为它会使第二个场景(操作级中介策略流)的处理过程变简单。
Policies in the Normal form are how the basic operation of the policy processing is to be carried out. 正是基于标准格式的策略来执行策略处理的基本操作的。
This article showed you how to achieve a dynamic mediation flow and how the service gateway pattern lends itself to use of service and operation based mediation policy for this dynamic configuration. 本文还向您演示了如何实现动态中介流,以及服务网关模式如何针对动态配置使用基于服务和操作的中介策略。
Moreover, commercial operation of policy finance has become the basic pattern in overseas countries. 并且,政策金融的商业化操作已成为国外政策金融运作的基本形式。
Clinical features and operation policy of meningioma of the lateral ventricle 侧脑室内脑膜瘤的临床特点和手术策略
On the basis of the operation period price policy, the National Development and Reform Commission ( NDRC) promulgated a benchmark price policy in2004. 2004年国家发改委在经营期电价政策基础上推出了标杆电价政策。
Persist in the operation policy of "douBle good"( good commodities and good service), and your shop will Be full of customers and prosperous in Business. 坚持双优的经营方针,(优质商品、优良服务),就能获得门庭若市,生意兴隆的效果。
Company history, operation policy, working environment. 介绍公司沿革、经营方针、工作环境;
According to the faith of innovating and making progress constantly, the operation policy of steady and practical, our company has gained the support and reliance of the cooperative partners! 凭着“不断创新,锐意进取”的信念,“稳健务实”的经营方针,我司赢得了广大合作伙伴的支援与依赖!
To supervise the service within the restaurant, to ensure that the service standards, quality of product, staff grooming are to the requirements as specified within the operation policy of the outlet and the requirements of the hotel. 监督餐厅的服务工作,保证服务标准、产品质量和员工的仪容仪表符合餐厅经营方针和酒店要求。
To succeed with quality and to be trusted by service is our operation policy. 以质量取胜,以服务取信是我们的经营宗旨!
With the quickening of financial market construction, the time comes to adopt the open market operation policy. 随着金融市场化步伐的加快,公开市场业务操作的时机日臻成熟。
The Heilongjiang Province is a big agriculture Province in our country, the operation AEPI policy not only benefits to the realization of agricultural harmonious and quick development, but also benefit to the economic of the whole Province. 黑龙江省是全国的农业大省,实施农业环保产业政策不但有利于实现农业的和谐、快速发展,而且有利于全省经济的腾飞。
As the opening of Chinese gold market, the Central Bank's exclusive operation policy for gold will be abrogated, and gold will be able to be sold or purchased freely in the market. 随着我国黄金的市场化,中国人民银行对黄金的统购统配体制也将被取消,黄金将可以在市场上自由买卖。
Research on Urban Land Market Operation and Policy Control and Management 城市土地市场运行与政策控管研究
The second hierarchy is a multiobjective aggregation model containing only two decision variables and few constraints, it can be solved conveniently by using vector optimizing technique. Satisfactory operation policy of Four-Lake water resource system has been obtained by applying the model to the system. 聚合模型为第2层,是个仅有两个决策变量和很少约束的多目标动态规划模型,便于用向量优化技术求解,该模型在四湖地区应用,为其提供了满意的运行策略。
The characteristics of standard operation policy ( SOP) and hedging rule ( HR) were compared when the two kinds of policies were applied into operation policy simulation for reservoir water-supply system during drought. 比较分析了标准运行策略及限制供水规则运用于干旱期水库供水系统运行策略模拟分析方面的特征;
The study of supply chain dynamic adaptation includes adaptation both in resource structure and operation policy. 对供应链动态适应的研究包括供应链资源结构适应和运作策略适应两个方面。
Determination of Optimal Operation of Hydro-Plants in Electric Power System by Using Incremental Water Rate THE RESEARCH FOR THE DAILY OPTIMUM OPERATION POLICY IN MIDDLE-SMALL POWER NETWORK MANY COMPOSED OF SMALL HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER STATION 运用微增率解电力系统中水电站群日优化运行问题以小水电为主体的中小电网日优化运行方式研究
At present there exists the problem to be immediately solved: how does the agricultural development bank bring into play the function of financial policy and carry out the national purchasing-selling policy& the closed operation management policy so as to guard against the risk of credit funds? 当前农发行如何更好地发挥政策性金融职能,执行国家购销政策和封闭管理政策,防范和化解信贷资金风险,是我们亟待解决的难题。
So it's of great importance to assess the risk of China's life industry and illustrate the implications to operation and policy. 因此,研究中国寿险业风险水平及其防范措施,对中国金融危机的防范、对经济的正常运行和社会的稳定具有十分重要的意义。
By using sector budget with achievement and benefit as the core, not only can fund be saved to a great extent, but also the normal operation of policy can be guaranteed and good results can be achieved. 采用以绩效核算为核心的部门预算在很大程度上既可以节约财政资金,同时也能有效地保证政策的正常运行,并能收到较好的效果。
The financial operation policy will open more, which will speed up the adaptation to the international market. 加入WTO,将极大提高我国金融企业的经营能力,金融经营政策也将进一步放开,加快与国际市场接轨的步伐。
Analysis on Reservoir Operation Policy Optimization during Drought 干旱期供水水库运行策略优化分析
From the view of policy science theory, the policy system of reservoir resettlement can be divided into four aspects: the policy subject, the policy object, the policy environment and the operation of policy system. 以政策科学理论的视角,水库移民政策系统可以分为水库移民政策主体、政策客体、政策环境以及政策系统的运行四个方面。
Taxation is an important government instrument for readjusting household income disparity in the link of redistribution, but there is still much room for improvement is its operation policy. 税收作为政府在再分配环节调节居民收入差距的重要工具,其运行政策还存在很多不完善之处。
Transferring national specialized bank to state-owned commercial hank is the objective demand of establishing and developing system of socialist market economy in our country and is the fundamental change in system of operation, policy of operation, organization structure and interior managerial system of specialized bank. 国家专业银行向国有商业银行转变,是我国社会主义市场经济体制确立和发展的客观要求,是专业银行经营体制、经营方针、组织结构和内部管理体制的一次根本性变革。
Thus universities counterpart support reflected significant policy-led characteristics, which resulted in that policy quality and benign operation of policy system has important influence on the effectively carrying out of counterpart assistance of Chinese universities. 高校对口支援体现出明显的政策主导的特征,政策质量的好坏和政策体系的良性运行,对高校对口支援的有效开展有着重要的影响。